Workshop on ACS Career Workshop: Finding Your Pathway

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Organized by YCC, Amanda Ritz

Audience: Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Post Docs, Faculty

Limit: 30 people

ACS Career Workshop: Finding Your Pathway

Local section of younger chemists committee (YCC) Orlando is hosting a career workshop led by local Florida ACS career consultant and experienced industry professional, Dr. Luke Roberson. This 3 hour, 2-part workshop will focus on identifying a STEM career that matches your strengths and values, and how to get started with networking. Refreshment break will be provided between part 1 and part 2 of the workshop.

Learn about the chemistry job market across diverse employment sectors. Assess your employable strengths and values. How to engage in effective networking. How to apply networking to achieve career goals. 

Event Timeslots (1)

ACS Career Workshop: Finding Your Pathway