Accepted Presentations

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 Name Topic Title
Beining JinPhysical Chemistry

Investigating the Conformational Dynamics of the Human A2A Adenosine Receptor in Lipid Vesicles by 19F MAS Solid-State NMR

Dr. Bin LiuComputational Chemistry

Mapping Structure-Property Relationships in Fullerene Systems: A Computational Study from C20 to C60

Dr. Bishnu RegmiAnalytical Chemistry

Synthesis and Solvatochromic Studies of Methylene Blue Derivatives

Dr. Blaine GordonPhysical Chemistry

Promiscuous Molecular Recognition in the C-terminal Domain of Polyadenylate Binding Protein

Blanch Khouri SaderPMSE/POLY

Utilizing Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Aflatoxin Detection

Prof. Bo ChenPhysical Chemistry

Structure of disordered reflectin derived polypeptide Ref(2C)4 assembly by solid state NMR

Prof. Brent SumerlinPMSE/POLY

Deconstruction of Vinyl Polymers

Miss Brianna JonesPhysical Chemistry

Investigation and Utilization of Lipid Nanoparticles for Use in Drug Delivery Application

Prof. Bryan KudischPhysical Chemistry

Ultrafast spectroscopy uncovers the mechanistic underpinnings of next-generation photocatalysts

Prof. Bryan KnuckleyBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

Peptoid inhibitors of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) for the treatment of Cancers

Mr. Bryan DemosthenePhysical Chemistry

Molecular basis for actin polymerization kinetics modulated by solution crowding

Cameron BechardChemistry Education

STEM Identity of Organic Chemistry students: How students’ see themselves as future graduates in their major

Camila SenespledaChemistry Education

Unraveling Belonging Uncertainty: Investigating Student Perspectives on STEM Education

Miss Celina CeballosBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

Plasma proteomics of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) stranded during red tide events for identification of diagnostic biomarkers

Miss Charlotte BaileyInorganic Chemistry

New synthetic entry to the family of molecular nanoparticles of cerium dioxide

 Name Topic Title