Accepted Presentations

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 Name Topic Title
Prof. Yuan LiuBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

The crosstalk of DNA and RNA damage in modulating genome stability

Mayra Tabares-BeltranBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

Synthesis of mercaptan-based brevetoxin scavengers and evaluation of their ability to interfere with binding to voltage-gated sodium channel and reduce cytotoxicity

Dr. Bishnu RegmiAnalytical Chemistry

Synthesis and Solvatochromic Studies of Methylene Blue Derivatives

Johnathon JohnsonInorganic Chemistry

Synthesis and Electron-Induced Reactions of First Row Transition Metal Complexes as EUV Resist Candidates

Mr. Alexander StantInorganic Chemistry

Surface Organomettalic Chemistry of Group III Metal Alkyls

Mr. Cole StearnsOrganic Chemistry

Structure-property relationships in heterofunctionalized [2.2]paracylophane supramolecular monomers

Prof. Bo ChenPhysical Chemistry

Structure of disordered reflectin derived polypeptide Ref(2C)4 assembly by solid state NMR

Miss Macayla BarnettChemistry Education

STEM identity of undergraduate students: Future professionals' self-perception

Cameron BechardChemistry Education

STEM Identity of Organic Chemistry students: How students’ see themselves as future graduates in their major

Dr. Michael LufasoInorganic Chemistry

Solid solutions of bismuth-containing mixed-metal oxides: anisotropic structural changes with chemical substitutions

Dr. Ajeet KaushikPhysical Chemistry

Smart sensor for health and environmental management

Dr. Eklavya TharejaComputational Chemistry

Rise of topology in condensed matter: balancing robustness against disorder with control of electronic properties

Melanie VeigeChemistry Education

Researching the Effect of Communication Modes on Learning Outcomes Using Terracotta in an Online Chemistry Course

Prof. Fuwu ZhangPMSE/POLY

Rapid and Versatile Synthesis of Glutathione-Responsive Polycarbonates from Activated Cyclic Carbonates

Miss Nagham Abou HamadPMSE/POLY

Quantifying Hydrophilicity in Polyelectrolytes and Polyzwitterions

 Name Topic Title