Accepted Presentations

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 Name Topic Title
Dr. Qian YinPhysical Chemistry

AAGAB-orchestrated adaptor complex assembly in snapshots

Miss Nessa Pesaran AfsharianPhysical Chemistry

19F-NMR quantification of drug efficacy exemplified with the human A2A adenosine receptor

Dr. Chen ZhaoPhysical Chemistry

Improving Membrane Memtics for Structural Determination of Membrane Proteins

Prof. Gail FanucciPhysical Chemistry

Hydration Dynamics at Biomolecular Interfaces via Low-Field Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (ODNP) Relaxometry

Dr. Ajeet KaushikPhysical Chemistry

Smart sensor for health and environmental management

Miss Brianna JonesPhysical Chemistry

Investigation and Utilization of Lipid Nanoparticles for Use in Drug Delivery Application

Mr. Bryan DemosthenePhysical Chemistry

Molecular basis for actin polymerization kinetics modulated by solution crowding

Mr. Parag DasOrganic Chemistry

Designing Small Molecule Photoswitching Scaffolds Inspired from Popular Organic Photovoltaics Materials

Stine Sofie OlsenOrganic Chemistry

Exploring the chemical diversity of Antarctica

Mr. Cole StearnsOrganic Chemistry

Structure-property relationships in heterofunctionalized [2.2]paracylophane supramolecular monomers

Mr. Ezequiel Cruz RosaOrganic Chemistry

The Fungal Pharmacy: A Journey Into the Secondary Metabolites of Mangrove Endophytes

Ms. Courtney SeverInorganic Chemistry

Accelerated REMP with Double Tethered Metallacyclobutanes

Dr. Michael ShatrukInorganic Chemistry

Molecular Spin Qubits Based on High-Symmetry Holmium Complexes

Dr. Michael LufasoInorganic Chemistry

Solid solutions of bismuth-containing mixed-metal oxides: anisotropic structural changes with chemical substitutions

Miss Charlotte BaileyInorganic Chemistry

New synthetic entry to the family of molecular nanoparticles of cerium dioxide

 Name Topic Title