Accepted Presentations

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 Name Topic Title
Prof. Adam VeigeInorganic Chemistry

iClick Origins, Applications, Unexpected Results and Outlook

Mr. Parag DasOrganic Chemistry

Designing Small Molecule Photoswitching Scaffolds Inspired from Popular Organic Photovoltaics Materials

Stine Sofie OlsenOrganic Chemistry

Exploring the chemical diversity of Antarctica

Mr. Cole StearnsOrganic Chemistry

Structure-property relationships in heterofunctionalized [2.2]paracylophane supramolecular monomers

Mr. Ezequiel Cruz RosaOrganic Chemistry

The Fungal Pharmacy: A Journey Into the Secondary Metabolites of Mangrove Endophytes

Ms. Rim HadidiPhysical Chemistry

Exploring salt droplet crystallization dynamics in controlled experimental environment: Microgravity and Low-pressure conditions

Prof. Bo ChenPhysical Chemistry

Structure of disordered reflectin derived polypeptide Ref(2C)4 assembly by solid state NMR

Dr. Patrick HillesheimPhysical Chemistry

The solid-state of ionic liquids: Impacts of non-covalent interactions

Miss Nidhi KaliaPhysical Chemistry

Kinetic analysis of RNA cleavage and substrate specificity of coronavirus Nsp15 endoribonuclease

Dr. Josh MelkoPhysical Chemistry

Mechanisms of Sequential Ion-Molecule Reactions in Protonated Methanol using Mass Spectrometry, ab initio Methods, and Statistical Modeling

Dr. Blaine GordonPhysical Chemistry

Promiscuous Molecular Recognition in the C-terminal Domain of Polyadenylate Binding Protein

Prof. Bryan KudischPhysical Chemistry

Ultrafast spectroscopy uncovers the mechanistic underpinnings of next-generation photocatalysts

Yinhao JiaPhysical Chemistry

Investigating Improved Protein Stability in Random Heteropolymer/Protein Mixtures Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Mr. Arka Prabha RayPhysical Chemistry

Membrane mimetic systems modulate GPCR energy landscapes

Beining JinPhysical Chemistry

Investigating the Conformational Dynamics of the Human A2A Adenosine Receptor in Lipid Vesicles by 19F MAS Solid-State NMR

 Name Topic Title