Accepted Presentations

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 Name Topic Title
Prof. Nathan GianneschiPMSE/POLY

Peptide-Brush Polymers as Proteomimetics

Dr. Nelly MateevaPMSE/POLY

Novel Nanoscale Materials from Electrospinning of Natural and Synthetic Polymers

Miss Nessa Pesaran AfsharianPhysical Chemistry

19F-NMR quantification of drug efficacy exemplified with the human A2A adenosine receptor

Miss Nidhi KaliaPhysical Chemistry

Kinetic analysis of RNA cleavage and substrate specificity of coronavirus Nsp15 endoribonuclease

Ms. Noel ManringAnalytical Chemistry

Co-detection of neurotoxic heavy metals using modified multi-bore carbon fiber microelectrodes via fast-scan cyclic voltammetry

Ms. Pallavi NayyarChemistry Education

Uncovering Instructors and Graduate Teaching Assistants Topic-Specific Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TS-PCK) of Precipitation Reactions and Solubility Rules

Mr. Parag DasOrganic Chemistry

Designing Small Molecule Photoswitching Scaffolds Inspired from Popular Organic Photovoltaics Materials

Parker BoeckPMSE/POLY

Cyclic Polymers from Alkynes: Synthesis, Scope, and Degradation

Dr. Patrick HillesheimPhysical Chemistry

The solid-state of ionic liquids: Impacts of non-covalent interactions

Mr. Qaisar MaqboolInorganic Chemistry

Photophysical properties of Meso-tetra(4-N,N,N-trimethylanilinium) porphyrin encapsulated within the MOM-11 metal organic framework

Dr. Qian YinPhysical Chemistry

AAGAB-orchestrated adaptor complex assembly in snapshots

Prof. Rebecca BlackChemistry Education

Writing in authentic science genres in the organic chemistry II laboratory to improve student perceptions of themselves as writers and belonging in STEM

Ms. Rim HadidiPhysical Chemistry

Exploring salt droplet crystallization dynamics in controlled experimental environment: Microgravity and Low-pressure conditions

Dr. Rituparna SamantaPMSE/POLY

Understanding folded protein and polyelectrolyte coacervation.

Dr. Robert SilversPhysical Chemistry

La-Related Proteins and RNA Recognition

 Name Topic Title