Accepted Presentations

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 Name Topic Title
Mr. Arka Prabha RayPhysical Chemistry

Membrane mimetic systems modulate GPCR energy landscapes

Beining JinPhysical Chemistry

Investigating the Conformational Dynamics of the Human A2A Adenosine Receptor in Lipid Vesicles by 19F MAS Solid-State NMR

Miss Krittika RoyBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

Characterization of human guanylate binding protein 3

Emmanuel OlawalePMSE/POLY

Low Dimensional Lead-Free Chiral Perovskite Quantum Dots.

Miss Celina CeballosBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

Plasma proteomics of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) stranded during red tide events for identification of diagnostic biomarkers

Mayra Tabares-BeltranBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

Synthesis of mercaptan-based brevetoxin scavengers and evaluation of their ability to interfere with binding to voltage-gated sodium channel and reduce cytotoxicity

Prof. Bryan KnuckleyBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

Peptoid inhibitors of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) for the treatment of Cancers

Ms. Alexandra WolferAnalytical Chemistry

Investigating the Oxidative Potential of Secondary Organic Aerosols

Dr. Robert SilversPhysical Chemistry

La-Related Proteins and RNA Recognition

Jonathan CarantoBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

Metalloenzyme-catalyzed oxidations of nitric oxide in biosynthesis and nitrosative stress protection

Dr. Qian YinPhysical Chemistry

AAGAB-orchestrated adaptor complex assembly in snapshots

Dr. Leslie DolemanChemistry Education

Engaging Students in Chemistry Programming Through a Residential College Model

Stine Sofie OlsenOrganic Chemistry

Exploring the chemical diversity of Antarctica

Mr. Cole StearnsOrganic Chemistry

Structure-property relationships in heterofunctionalized [2.2]paracylophane supramolecular monomers

Dr. Szymon CiesielskiBiochemistry / Chem Bio.

The role of glycine-rich region in driving specificity of JDP/Hsp70 chaperone systems

 Name Topic Title